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Great Expectations
The Essential Guide to Breastfeeding
by Marianne Neifert
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About The Book
In Great Expectations: The Essential Guide to Breastfeeding, Marianne Neifert, MD, one of America’s leading pediatricians and a nationally recognized lactation consultant, gives nursing mothers all the advice they need to breastfeed their babies successfully. Distilled from Dr. Mom’s Guide to Breastfeeding, this is the most up-to-date, comprehensive, and effective book on the subject. Neifert has spent the last 25 years addressing the situations that nursing mothers routinely encounter; her sound, reassuring, and practical advice makes this a must-have for all new moms and mothers-to-be.
Paperback ebook Great Expectations Marianne Neifert download on Kindle on Booktopia. MP3 book Great Expectations buy. FB2 Great Expectations by Marianne Neifert read PocketBook on Barnes & Noble. Hardcover book Great Expectations. PDF ebook Great Expectations Marianne Neifert download on IndieBound.